University of Mumbai is one of the oldest universities in India. University of Mumbai declared TYBcom examination timetable. TYBcom Review will begin on 1 April 2010 and ending 19 April 2010. TYBcom exam time is 11:00 pm 2:00 timetable for exams and TYBcom Mumbai University Syllabus found below.Mumbai University exam timetable TYBcom for the academic year 2009 - 2010:Day and dateSubjectThu, 01 April those 2010 Item 1 - Financial AccountingBusiness Management I - Management and Organization DevelopmentSat, 03 April those 2010 Accounts 2 - Auditing and Cost AccountingBusiness Management II - Financial ManagementMon, 05 april those 2010 Accounts 3 - Management Accounting Etc. (Rev.)III Business Administration - Marketing ManagementTue, 06 April those 2010 Direct and indirectMiércoles, 07 abril 2010 Business EconomicsThu, 08 april those 2010 MPP (Management and Production Planning)Fri, 09 April 2010 Export MarketingSat, April 10, 2010 Computer Systems and ApplicationsMon, April 12, 2010 Psychology of human behavior at work,Tue, April 13, 2010 Market ResearchThu, April 15, 2010 International Marketing NVESTMENT Analysis Portfolio ManagementFri, April 16, 2010 Rural MarketingSat, 17 April 2010 Entrepreneurship and MSSIMon, April 19, 2010 Elements of Operations Research firmsFor a complete list TYBcom 2010-audit, you can download the PDF by clicking here.
Plan Studies at the University of Mumbai:Unit-1: Communication, networking and the Internet:(a) parts of data communication, data representation, distributed computing, (Concepts only)(b) Basic concepts of network and infrastructure1. Definition, Types (LAN, MAN, WAN) Advantages2. Network structures - based server, client / server, peer to peer.3. Topology - Star, Bus, Ring.4. Media Network, wireless and cable5. Network Hardware: Hubs, bridges, switches, routers6. Network protocols - TCP / IP, OSI model(c) Internet1. Definition, types of connections, Internet Connection Sharing2. Service r: a-WWW, email, blogs,3. IP addresses, domain names, URLs.4. Directories, search engines, Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT), Advanced Search, Meta search engines.5. Email-POP/SMTP in e-mail accounts, the different parts of an e-mail address. Receiving and sending e-mail attachments by scanning attachments for viruses.Unit-2: E-commerce (18 classes):1. Definition of E-commerce2. E-commerce Features3. Types of electronic commerce (B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P)4. Business models for electronic commerce (advertising, subscription, fee income from sales, affiliate income)5. Main methods for B2C (Portal, Etailer, content provider, transaction broker, Market Maker, service provider, the provider of the EU.6. E-Commerce Security: integrity, non repudiation, authenticity, confidentiality, privacy and accessibility.7. Encryption; definition, digital signatures, SSL.8. Payment Systems: Digital Cash, online stored value, digital balance of accumulation, credit accounts, digital, digital control.9. How an online transaction with a credit card. SET protocol.10. Limitations of electronic commerce.11. M-Commerce (Definition and characteristics)Unit-3: Database and SQL (18 lessons) (6 practice):1. Introduction to databases, relational databases and relational systems.SQL not as a language, not procedural errors. Data views.2. SQL basic names (table declarations, data declarations, statements of operations, names (table and column) data types (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, longtext, smallint, bigint, Boolean, Decimal, Float, Double, Date, DateTime, TIMESTAMP , Year, over time, creates datatabase-inserting data, updating data, deleting data, expressions, built in3. functions, missing data (NULL and NOT NULL, default values), create, use ALTER (Add, Delete, Edit columns), rename, SHOW, DESCRIBE (CREATE TABLE, columns, status and databases only) and DROP (table, column, database statments) PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY (One and several columns), to ensure its validity, merely by limiting4. Simple question: SELECT statement (FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, Order B, different data filtering through the field. Simple arithmetic and complexity by using logic and relational operators (=,! =, <,>, <>, AND, OR, NOT, LIKE, BETWEEN)5. Multi-table queries: Simple join (INNER JOIN), considerations of SQL queries with multiple tables (table aliases, qualified column names, all column selection, ending itself).6. Nested queries (only up to two levels) using sub queries, sub query search terms, sub queries and ends, nested sub queries, correlated sub queries, sub query in the HAVING clause.7. Simple Start transaction will commit and rollback.Unit 4: Introduction to C Programming (18 classes) (6 practice):1. Introduction:Character set CReserved wordsIdentifiersC data typesSwitches type CConstantsVariablesExpressionsOperators (unary, binary, relational, logical)C assignment statementsOperator PrecedenceImportance of header files (stdio.h, math.h, conio.h only)Unit-5: Spreadsheets (18 lessons) (6 practice):a) Creation of spreadsheets and navigation and to add information to spreadsheets1. Types of data in different data types, such as text, numbers, dates, functions.2. Quick ways to add autocomplete data, AutoCorrect, AutoFill automatic adjustment. Undo a redo.3. Moving data, coherent and incoherent choices. Check with your keyboard.Cut Copy Paste. Add and move columns or rows. Insert columns and rows.4. Find and Replace values. Spelling.5. Format cells, numbers, dates, times, fonts, colors, borders, padding.multiple worksheets b)1. Create and use templates2. Create and link multiple spreadsheets.3. Add, remove, hide, and rename worksheets.4. Add headers / footers in a book. Side Shift, previews.5. Writing formulas, integration of functions, cell references, absolute, relative (in a spreadsheet, spreadsheets and other books), logical operators.6. Creating and using named ranges1 A study of at least 12 hours is recommended.2nd not study a subject for more than 2 hours. If you are stuck with something, you leave it and take another topic.3 To listen to music for relaxation. Avoid TV to the maximum.4 mainly vegetarian food is recommended. Please keep oily foods and non-vegetarian to a minimum meat, vegetarian and does not cause hangovers.5 Are adequate intake of water to stay well hydrated.
University of Mumbai is one of the oldest universities in India. University of Mumbai declared TYBcom examination timetable. TYBcom Review will begin on 1 April 2010 and ending 19 April 2010. TYBcom exam time is 11:00 at 2:00 you tTYBcom Review will begin on 1 April 2010 and ending 19 April 2010. TYBcom exam time is 11:00 pm 2:00Tybcom exams begin on Thursday, 01 abril 2010 up Monday, April 19, 2010April 2010 exam schedule is published in TYBcom.comBombay University has announced the review in April 2010 Schedule TYBcom. Exam Schedule has been published in TYBcom for students appearing for exams. According TYBcom review synchronizations for all exams will be 11:00-2:00. If you want to see a full-time TYBcom examination table, and then go to the official website.
Revision TYBcom Calendar 2010 - Syllabus
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